
I’ve heard of Cryptomattes a lot lately. My friend, Paul Rivera, first mentioned it to me for Clarisse and loving the ease of use. Then literally the next day in a tutorial I heard about them. And then a co-worker mentioned them about if we’d looked into them at my work.


So I decided to dig into it a little. Cryptomatte is a tool created by Psyop studio as a way to automatically generate ID mattes using information available at render time. It works with motion blur, transparency, and depth of field. It was presented at Siggraph 2015. This tool has already been picked up by multiple studios and various packages. The nice thing is Psyop has kept this an open source tool. Here is a good intro to them: PSYOP releases Cryptomatte

So far, Clarisse, V-ray, Katana, Maya, Houdini, Blender, Renderman, Redshift, Arnold, Nuke, Fusion, and After Effects can use it.

You can download it on GitHub

It’s super easy to install in Nuke. Takes only a few seconds to setup.

Here’s a Redshift tutorial that was useful: Tutorial #15

A cool update to Cryptomatte looks like their’s a new release of OpenEXR plugin for Photoshop: EXR-IO 2

I’ll be digging into it more over the coming months.

Intro to Nuke

I’ve done a projection setup in Nuke video, but I hadn’t made a simple Intro to Nuke. Here’s a quick little intro, it’s a little rushed, but still the basics are there.


Projection Camera setup in Nuke

For Matte Painting doing simple projection setups are a common part of the job. Here I wanted to show a simple Nuke setup of a projection. Attached below is a video I recorded of a test scene of cards in space using a painting I did years ago on the first Kung Fu Panda movie as an example. I’ve got several layers of images on multiple planes at different distance in “z” depth.

I go through the process of setting up a straight forward matte painting projection setup explaining how to bring in your data. First, you need an image you want to project. Then a camera to project from and a simple piece of geometry to project onto. From here you just want to export out your rendered image.

Hopefully, you’ve enjoyed this video. Let me know if you like having a step by step video as part of my blog. I’m thinking of doing more video blog entries. I feel it maybe easier to demonstrate techniques. I’ve found it takes me much longer to write out a step by step approach where as a video is just simpler to show the process.